Faces of Holiness: SSVP Blog Part 1
We have been reflecting on the book “Faces of Holiness” by Fr. Robert P. Maloney C.M and would like to share with our Church Bulletin readers. Our first reflection was on Our Lord and Saviour and the question He puts to each and everyone of us “Who do you say I am? Our response affects our life and our mission in the world.
Fully human - Jesus worked with human hands, loved with a human heart.
Truly God - He shared our weaknesses so that we might share His strength and divine life.
Crucified One - centre of our faith - Only by dying does Jesus rise.
The Liberator - He frees us from sin, sickness and death - the cross.
The Multicultural Christ - Look at Jesus, see Him in the Scriptures, his suffering, in works of art.
Our second reflection was on His Blessed Mother and our Mother. Mary penetrated the meaning of the gospels and lived out their teachings.
Miriam of Nazareth - Mary of history lived a harsh and tense life. She learned through oral family traditions. Mary was alive and present at Jesus’ crucifixion. She was truly (without sin, though) “one of us” - understands our joys, sorrows, and needs.
Listening Disciple - she was the model listener “she listened to the Word of God and acted on it.
Mother of God - mother of the uncreated God, in the flesh Jesus. She is unrepeatable.
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal – Miracles; Mary has appeared many times Church is very careful with all apparitions - slow process. God’s public revelation lies only the Scripture as interpreted by the Church - believing not part of “deposit of faith” (Sacred Scripture, Tradition and Magisterium. Apparitions are reminders and encouragement to stand firm in faith and to trust.
Black Madonna: Multicultural Mary - see the many faces of Mary in all the different cultures. Be creative in helping and sensitive to all.
St. Vincent de Paul: We are not one dimensional - we change, we grow.
Father of the Poor – in 1886, declared the patron of all charities. A living witness - a sign of the language of “works”.
The Missionary - Word of God central; Book of Gospels is found at his left foot on his statue
The Formator - formed 3 large groups; Confraternities of Charity(1617), Congregation of the Mission(1625), Daughters of Charity (1633) “Guiding souls is the art of arts.”
Vincent: Contemplative in Action - man of deep prayer, crucifix in hand. Mental prayer essential!
Vincent: Gentleman - became transformed by his incessant prayer asking God to change him.
Filled with compassion - dedicated servant of the poor.
Written by Mona Patterson, from St. Mary’s Brooks – Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP)