Meet the Executive

  • President - Andrea Schell

  • Past-President - Susanne Brummelhuis

  • Vice-President - Denise Brown

  • Treasurer - Arlene Hammer

  • Secretary/Communications - Lorraine Spence

  • Faith Chair - Kim Orich

  • Prayer Requests - Denise Amundson

  • Membership Chair - Amber Ma

  • Funeral Lunches - Sylvia Vogt

  • Spiritual Advisor - Father Eligio Canto

Catholic Women’s League (CWL)
St. Mary’s Council

MISSION: The Catholic Women’s League of Canada calls its members to grow in faith, and to witness to the love of God through ministry and service.


  • To achieve individual and collective spiritual development

  • To promote the teachings of the Catholic church

  • To exemplify the Christian ideal in home and family life

  • To protect the sanctity of human life

  • To enhance the role of women in church and society

  • To recognize the human dignity of all people everywhere

  • To uphold and defend Christian education and values in the modern world

  • To contribute to the understanding and growth of religious freedom, social justice, peace and harmony

Upcoming events.

  • February 7-9 40 Hours of Adoration at St. Mary’s Parish

  • February 9 - KofC monthly breakfast after 9:00 a.m. Mass

  • February 10 - CWL host Bingo at Newbrook Lodge 2:00 p.m.

  • February 12 - CWL February meeting after 7:00 p.m. Mass

  • February 20 - CWL coffee and fellowship after 9:00 a.m. Mass -Church hall

  • February 24 - ZOOM meeting with diocesan vice-president, Theresa Duncan

  • March 1 - CWL and KofC Social

Join Us!

Write us a message using the form below to get started or ask any questions. Please provide us with your email or phone number in order for us to best assist you.