Be A Volunteer

Our volunteers, the quiet champions of our parish, embody love in action. They uplift those in need, prepare the sacred liturgies and sacraments, maintain our sacred spaces, and nurture our young during their formative years. Their dedication echoes far beyond the Holy Mass—a constant reminder of the impact one person can have in the lives of many. We’re profoundly grateful for their presence and the grace they bring to our Church.

Come and help us to form missionary disciples in Christ, become a Church of encounter and witness; and to strengthen the family life of our local community.

Your dedication and service to the Church and our parish community fill us with deep gratitude. Please know your efforts are seen and greatly appreciated. Blessed by your generosity, we thank you for embodying the heart of a missionary disciple!

Volunteer Opportunities

The Church will not be complete without its body, us, the people of God. Just like the apostles during the time of Christ, we continue to share our God-given talents, skills, time and treasure; all for the glory and the kingdom of God.

Take a look at the current volunteer opportunities we have and start using your gifts now to make a difference to others.

    • Parish Pastoral Council - Members-at-large

    • Pastoral Care/Ministry of the Sick Members

    • St. Mary's Vacation Bible School (VBS) Youth & Adult Volunteers (During Summer)

    • Altar Servers

    • Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Eucharist

    • Choir Members

    • Musicians/Instrumentalists

    • Sacristans

    • Ushers & Greeters

    • Parish Finance Council Chairperson

    • Parish Finance Council Members

    • Collections (Counters) Ministry Members

    • St. Mary's Catholic Women's League (CWL) President

    • St. Mary's Catholic Women's League (CWL) Members

    • Knight of Columbus (KofC) Council #5116 Members

    • Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) Team Members

Volunteer Screening

Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Adults is designed to assist us to make the Church truly safe for the vulnerable, to break down the mistrust and the anger that afflicts so many of our brothers and sisters. The Diocese of Calgary ensures the protection of minors and vulnerable adults by following the standards in Strengthening Our Parish Communities protocols, including screening, training for abuse prevention and reporting and collaboration with civil authorities. ​

To create an environment where abuse is unthinkable and everyone is part of a "culture of safety," we need to educate everyone who has any kind of leadership or who holds a position of responsibility in the parish, including: all clergy, staff, Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Finance Council members, everyone who works with or around minors or vulnerable adults, coordinators of all ministries, even if their ministry does not involve minors, and all facility key holders.

In the spirit of stewardship and Strengthening Our Parish Communities, the Diocese provides leadership and resources to its parishes and programs for collaborative ministries to thrive in vibrant, respectful, and safe environments.

Ministry Risk Information

Day and Overnight Camps 

Day and Overnight Camps for External Groups:

Contact the Parish Office to learn more about the Volunteer Screening Process.