Register to Donate + Give

“God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7)
Your offerings and donations not only take care of our Parish but also help our local parish initiatives, our communities and the Diocese of Calgary as a whole.

Register your offerings and donations now by clicking the link below to download and fill out the Donation Registration Form. By registering your donations, you’ll be able to receive an annual charity tax receipt that you can claim when you file your taxes.

More ways to Donate + Give

“Give, and it will be given to you” (Luke 6:38)
There are more ways to Donate + Give in our Parish. You can donate to our Parish-specific Funds (like the Repair & Maintenance Fund), to our Parish Charitable Organizations (like the Society of St. Vincent de Paul) and/or to the various Diocesan and National Collections in Canada. Donation-specific envelopes are also available at the Parish.

For information, please contact our Parish Office at +1 (403) 362 4466 or email at

Give to our
Parish Repair + Maintenance Fund

Just like our own physical body, our Church building ages too. Taking care of our buildings means prevention, preparation and immediate response when something happens.

This fund is created to provide resources for the upkeep, repair and maintenance of our Church building, our Parish properties (like the Parish Hall and the Rectory), its facilities, systems and contents.

Give to the
Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP)

Times are getting hard. In every tick, someone will not be able to eat, will not have enough money to pay bills, or will not have any place to stay.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul at St. Mary’s Parish is here to help those who will not have enough necessities to live in our local area. Donations to the SSVP will be directly used to provide assistance to those who are in need.

Give to the Together In Action 2024

Thank you for your contributions to last year’s Together In Action. This year, our campaign is inspired by Philippians 4:19, which reminds us of God's abundant provision and encourages us to share this divine generosity with others. Contributing to the diocesan goal of $2 million, our Parish goal this year is $28, 296.00.

Every contribution you make significantly impacts areas close to our hearts - providing care for our retired priests, supporting hospital chaplaincy and pastoral care as well as key diocesan ministries and outreach such as Elizabeth House and Mission Council, and supporting local healing and reconciliation initiatives in Indigenous communities.