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Thank you, Fr. Marino
SMRCC Secretary SMRCC Secretary

Thank you, Fr. Marino

Rev. Fr. Marino Infante started as the Parish Priest and Administrator of St. Mary’s Brooks + Tide Lake Mission on August 1, 2018. He was the former pastor of St. Michael’s in Bow Island. During the years, he started changes that revolutionized and enhanced the Catholic faith community of the Brooks Newell Region. Because of his wide pastoral experience, many of the former parishioners came back into the Church, Parish activities and programs have expanded, and he was able to transform the Parish both physically and spiritually.

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Isn’t It Funny
SMRCC Secretary SMRCC Secretary

Isn’t It Funny

Funny how a $20.00 bill looks so big when you take it to church, but so small when you take it to the mall.

Funny how big an hour serving God looks and how small 60 minutes are when spent watching television, playing sports, sleeping or taking a lunch break.

Funny how long a couple of hours spent at church are, but how short they are when watching a good movie.

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